A Bush Moment

Friday, August 13, 2010


A George W. Bush Moment....

I was watching this town hall with bush from 2005 where he's talking to this woman who's having trouble making ends meet and she tells Bush that she has to work 3 jobs in order to make ends meet and Bush says "You see this is what makes America great that people here will work 3 jobs if they have to rather then rely on the government for help!". Can you believe that!? What a creep! Especially coming from someone like him who never even worked one job let alone 3! I agree only in America could a president get away with saying something like that and live through it! Yes we all want to work as many jobs as we can to make ends meet! We want to do nothing but work all day and work all night, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for the rest of our lives!!!!!!!! Way to go George!!!!!!!!!

I have an alternative though. Maybe we can get China to invade and conquer us. That way we can at least get our better paying jobs back again and only have to work one!

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